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In the small southern town of Stockdale, Alabama, where blacks live on one side of the tracks and whites on the other, Cassie Taylor wants nothing more than to get out. Taught early that she's not free to love whomever she pleases in Stockdale due to the color of her skin, Cassie embarks on a journey that takes her into and out of the arms of bad-boy Blake, and then across the world to South Korea, to the good guy she's certain will save her.

But is Blake really out of her life for good? In this tale of self-discovery, adventure, forbidden love and courage, find out what happens in a place where being black or white can mean absolutely nothing or everything.


Book Reviews

JAAR, Amazon

"The tone of this novel is relaxed and flowing, with some chuckles and occasional misting of the eyes. Reading this felt like catching up with a childhood friend in a long coffee klatch. Some of the scenes and situations seem heartbreakingly real."

Anonymous, Amazon

"Very well written, great storyline, easy to follow, very intriguing story!"

Pengrace, Amazon

"Who would think that in the 1980's and even today racism is rearing its ugly head. Stockdale addresses these issues as we look through the window of Cassie's life as a young black girl searching for love in the segregated south. Although segregation has long been abolished legally, this doesn't change the deep-rooted beliefs in some of today's southern habitants. You will be hard pressed to put Stockdale down."

C.H., Amazon

"I encourage you to read the book and feel its anxiety throughout each chapter. It is like a television show, each time you see the same show or movie over, you learn something new.

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